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Our Story

Paige and David Langenderfer founded PAQ’D Meats in the spring of 2018 to create a source of locally raised lamb, goat and beef meats. We wanted to provide an option for people to buy locally raised, high-quality meat that is reasonably priced. It also allowed Paige to raise animals again.

Paige grew up on her father’s family farm in southern Indiana and fell in love with animals at an early age. Some of her best friends growing up were chickens, turkeys, cows and goats. After having two beautiful daughters, we decided that we wanted our children to experience the same joys and discipline Paige experienced raising animals as a young girl.

It has already been a blessing to watch our daughter’s eyes light up when they see a baby lamb or goat being born or to hear their contagious giggles when they see a goat jump onto the llama’s back.

We hope you will enjoy our meat, knowing that these animals are raised with love and dedication.

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